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Ross Bulley Singles League

Thank you to the 22 players for your participation and gamesmanship throughout the playing of the Tuesday Evening Singles League this year. We were treated to great well fought battles on the final evening, August 22. After falling behind in the early going, Roy Wilkinson overcame Betty Locke in their semi-final, and Maria Ridewood needed an extra end to win through against Keith Thorpe.

So the final was set for Maria and Roy, but the fairly heavy and persistent rain didn't dampen anybody's spirits. Maria had enough of a lead by the eleventh end to declare the game over.

Congratulations, Maria, in winning the Ross Bulley Singles League for 2023.

Ian Hammocks - Organizer

Maria Ridewood receiving the plaque from Ian Hammocks

Jim Irvine holds an umbrella for Roy Wilkinson and Maria.

Even the marker, Ian, needed an umbrella.

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