Posted on behalf of Betty Locke
Today, we enjoyed the Novice Men's and Women's tournament for CLBC 2021. We are pleased to announce that Mark Ridewood was the winner for the men and Betty Burnett was winner for the women. These two people will represent our club at the Novice tournaments later this summer in Victoria. We wish them well as our representatives.
Your coaching committee wishes to thank all those who helped to make this happen. The successful tournament depends on the services of the kitchen, an umpire and volunteer markers to make it all come together. We are grateful to all who stepped forth to help and to those who came as spectators.
Our actual coaching has come to a close but we wish to have the Friday evenings which have been designated for coaching until the end of August become nights in which we invite all novices to come and also other members of CLBC for an open evening draw.
Regular coaching if required will happen during regular open days at the green.
We remind members that our club policy has been that prospective members who have coaching in September will be welcomed to come and play in the open draws at no cost with the prospect of them becoming regular members in the spring of 2022.